As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.

Elizabeth Amala & Shon became one through the Holy Sacrament of Marriage on a beautiful September day in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

The day was filled with an abundance of joy, cultural traditions, prayer, & the Lord's mercy! Many of their guests traveled from across the world (literally!) to witness their Wedding Qurbana. Both families are a part of the Syro Malabar Catholic Church - based in India. The main celebrant of the Qurbana was Bishop Joy Alapatt, the Bishop of the Syro Malabar Diocese of Chicago. The Bishop was joined by 6 priests, 1 deacon, & 3 altar servers to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It was beautiful to see so many Priests in Christ celebrating the Qurbana together, in honor of the newlyweds.

Elizabeth is a very talented musician, & was especially excited about the music at the Qurbana. A choir of her friends & family beautifully glorified the Lord through the music. The Qurbana songs were sung in 3 languages - Syriac, Malayalam, & English - all of the traditional hymns of the liturgy were written by the direct disciples of Saint Thomas the Apostle.

Elizabeth & Shon share a strong devotion to Divine Mercy, which inspired their wedding colors of navy blue & maroon. You might notice that the wedding bouquets are made of wooden flowers. Elizabeth & her bridesmaids actually handpainted each flower and arranged the bouquets themselves! It was so special to see how each detail of the day reflected through love story & personal devotions!

Many Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Shon Thomas! May the Lord continue to pour out His Divine Mercy over you. 🤍

Church: Saint Joan of Arch Hershey, PA

Venue: Spooky Nook Lancaster, PA

Photography: Merciful Love Photography

Wedding Coordinator: Memorable Moments